Monday, January 15, 2007
posted by pablopabla at 5:50 pm

The secret is out! After much work and time, I've completed the recipe which is at least, okay to be revealed. Still need to be perfected though.

I've gone and this blog is now migrated to its own home at

There is still much to do as wordpress is a different fish altogether. I'm still trying to get my fellow blogger's links up there. Friends, do remember to link up or bookmark to my new site, ya? I will be updating over there from now on.

As for current wordpress users, give me some tips and comments on the site and how I can improve it. I need to put up links to my fellow foodies ;) as well as recent posts.

See ya there!

At 12:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous could try getting some plugin for ratings so that readers could vote too


At 1:12 pm, Blogger Unknown

I just got here and everyone is moving out. Is wordpress really better?

Will visit you there. CAnt wait for your new recipe. :P


At 5:36 pm, Blogger PabloPabla

mfr : That will need lotsa learning ;)

wokking mum : I would like to think that wordpress is better (and I am still finding out). Otherwise, I'll ask for a refund. LOL!

Check out my new site where my new recipes are posted.