Monday, December 11, 2006
posted by pablopabla at 12:08 pm

The PayPerPost team blogs! Yes, they do. There are many important news and updates, interesting articles and hilarious videos posted on their blog.

I do check out the PayPerPost blog on a regular basis in case some changes have happened recently. One of the recent news which got me comforted was the deployment of new servers at PayPerPost which gives a more consistent performance and reliability, not to mention more bandwidth as well.

As I have mentioned, the blog has some utterly hilarious videos where the staffers take a go at each other. It shows how sporting these people are and it gives people like us a a good way to destress.

If you aren’t a postie yet, visit PayPerPost and check out the cool stuffs offered there, including the cool people behind the scenes.

This is a sponsored post.

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