It is truly that simple. All you need to do is to sign up an account at PayPerPost and wait for its approval of your blog or website. Once your site has been approved, you choose one of the topics to share in your blog or website. Write about it and voila! You will be paid for that.
I won't stop to say this but this post alone will generate a further USD$10.00 to me. This is definitely an incentive for me to keep up this blog but I know that it is through you regular visits that makes the biggest incentive for me to continue sharing my family recipes. In fact, I have one just coming right up later today.
What am I going to do with the money? I don't know yet. Perhaps sign up for a domain name for this blog? Let me have your suggestions, ya? I think this blog could do with some revamp in the presentation or perhaps layout. I welcome your feedback!
This post is paid by PPP.
Technorati Tags : PayPerPost , Monetise , Blog
Labels: PPP